Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Heaven's Rise by Chistopher Rice

Hmmm.. I don't exactly know how I want to start this. I have this book sitting in my kindle right now at 92%. That's not far from being completely finished and yet.. yet I don't want to spend anymore of my precious time on it. I usually give a basic rundown of what a book is about when I do my reviews and then head it up by saying whether or not I liked the writing style, plot, characters, etc. I'm not going to summarize this time.. I like reading supernatural reads, that is why I was drawn to this book in the first place but I am truly disappointed by it. As far as writing style Christopher Rice done a decent job. I think it was just the story itself that I couldn't connect with. When I first started this book I thought it would be easy to get into but then I don't know, things just kept..falling short. I tried to give it a chance and kept picking the book up only to read a few more chapters and become tired of it. That is NEVER a good sign. If a book is good, really good you can stay awake much later than normal because you've become so engrossed in it. That is the way I like to read, when everything around you falls away and you are in so deep that time is no longer relevant. Even if a book is just ok I can still somewhat read through it pretty fast because there are usually certain parts you can get lost in. Yeah, that did not happen at all during this entire novel. My attention was easily distracted and I just became...bored. I thought about what I was going to write in this review, about if there was one character, one scene that I might spend time telling about and then I realized it's just pointless. I give this book two stars because the overall writing/editing is done well but other than that.. *yawn*

Monday, November 11, 2013

Becoming Alpha by Aileen Erin

Becoming Alpha is about a girl named Tessa that already has a pretty tough time fitting in because she is.. different.. but the kids at her school like to call her freaky Tessa because every time she touches someone she gets visions, in turn causing her to be isolated. Her parents decide to move from LA to a small town in Texas because they believe getting Tessa closer to the family she has never known will help her find her place in the world… that is before one night, one boy, and one bite. Now Tessa must find her place in whole new world she never even knew existed. Although I admit at first it started off a bit slow it did not take long for things to pick up. I found that Becoming Alpha was full of adventure, love, and friendship and from that moment when I finally got pulled in (and it didn’t take long) I was engrossed until the last page. I want to take a moment to talk characters. Tessa: the things I like about her. First, she’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind. She had an entire family, the Hoel family, against her and even in the midst of total choas she still managed to have a raw humor that I couldn’t help but love her for. Example: “One girl against three ass-Hoels.” or using words like “shitacular.” I really enjoyed the way the author would have her make little remarks like these. I felt it kept things fun. Dastien: I don’t have much to say on him besides I wish they made men like that in the real world. I liked his character and don’t get me wrong I rooted for him and Tessa the entire time but come on, can we say way to good to be true! Meredith: Tessa’s first true friend and that is exactly what she was.. a true friend, and funny in a sarcastic sort of way and to me that’s why they hit it off so well. Now last but not at all least Axel, Tessa’s older brother. Out of all the character relationships I favored this one the most. I absolutely loved how close he and Tessa were. Axel shows all throughout the book that he would do anything for his baby sister and it is so touching. Having an older brother that is not with me anymore I guess made me connect with the bond that Tessa and Axel shared just that much more. The author done a wonderful job on character/relationship development. My final thoughts: I will certainly be looking to read more of Alpha Girl. It was a most enjoyable story!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Study In Silks by Emma Jane Holloway

I really wanted to like this book. I thought when I read the premise that it would be really good, the whole thing about the main character being Sherlock Holmes niece, a murder, and let's not forget magic. I mean the idea sounds like it had great potential but for me the writing fell flat. The author drew things out when it was unnecessary and made the story long and in turn boring. I was extremely disappointed with this one, total waste of time!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper

This is my first book that has to do with mermaids or any sea creatures for that matter but I have heard that books with this kind of theme tend to disappoint. Well I guess I got lucky then because I rather enjoyed this book. I will say that there were some instances in which I found myself a little confused because somehow the mers could be inside houses dry and with legs but be under water or so that's what I thought or it could be the fact that just wasn't paying close enough attention when the author explained that part. I really can't be certain. Besides that though I thought the story flowed rather nicely and even though I had read a few other reviews where some people were complaining about one of the main characters, Yara, I found no fault in her and really rather liked her style as well as the personalities of most of the other main characters. It was a rather nice surprise to see a story in which there is not a love triangle. Yes there is another guy (Rownan) but it's not what you may think at first. There is however SOMEWHAT of a Romeo and Juliet love story between Yara and Treygan but it works well to me. This book is one in which I find simple yet has an interesting enough story to keep you reading until the very end. It didn't take me long at all to finish this one because I kept wanting to come back to it but let me admit that was partially due to the fact that it was an easy read so I knew I didn't have to have complete quite time to be able to follow along and keep up. I could take it anywhere with me and read and no matter what was going on around me I could follow the plot. Some books are a little more complicated and require all of ones attention in order to understand what's going on. This is a good choice for an uncomplicated quick read. Also it was refreshing to read about mythical beings that were not in any way related to the vampire, werewolf, angel theme that so many writers go to these days. I devoured it and enjoyed myself the entire time. I will definitely be trying more from this author.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Through the Smoke by Brenda Novak

In the beginning I just knew I was hooked after reading the first few sentences. "He'd kill her. Just as soon as he could get his hands around her delicate neck, he'd stop the black heart that beat beneath all that misleading beauty and put an end to his own misery." Now if that's not one hell of a way to start a book then I don't know what is but then I became a little conflicted. As I read on I just wasn't sure if I was going to be able to really get into it. I was wrong. Let's start with Rachel's character, while I do admire a person trying to honor their deceased loved ones wishes and the place in which you come from, sometimes I felt as if Rachel had WAY TO MUCH pride and although I am aware the author wanted to portray her this way I still felt like it was a bit much and at times it got on my nerves. I wanted to scream at her and say go for it, give in to your desires and to hell with what everyone else thinks! Truman and Rachel seemed to be taking forever to actually let themselves be together so I was extremely proud when Rachel was the one who finally said screw it and made a move. I wanted to jump for joy. Truman (Lord Druridge) is actually a very caring and compassionate person which is exactly the opposite of everything your lead to believe in the beginning and I have to say for me personally I liked his character, he was a very presistant man and I enjoyed seeing that quality as he tried to find the person that was responsible for the fire and while he persued Rachel. Let me say that although this is a romance, there is another dynamic than just the relationship between the earl and the shopkeeper. There is a bit of mystery while Truman tries to save himself from the gallows by finding the true killer of lady Katherine (even though it is pretty obvious from early on who that is.) I was rather surprised when the truth about the accomplace was revealed. That was a pretty good twist in my opinion. So with that let me add that I am not that big of a fan when it comes to romance novels but this one I would recommend to anyone, rather your a romance fan or not. It definitely proved itself worthy of my time!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison

When I first heard about this novel I could not wait to get my hands on it. I must admit now that I don't think it possible to have been more disappointed. I usually finish every book I start because I believe that in order to judge something as such you must read it entirely. I could not do that with this one. The writing was boring and slow and the characters had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. There was nothing about it that got me excited. As a matter of fact in as many as a hundred pages there wasn't anything that could even grab and hold my attention. When I would think about reading this book for the sake of being able to write my review I began to dread it, it felt as if it was work I had to get done but didn't want to. I absolutely LOVE to read, it is without question my favorite past time, and should never ever feel like work. With all of that being said I do not recommend wasting valuable reading time on this book.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Only You (A Mephisto Covenant Book) by Stephanie Feagan

Mariah is broken, Phoenix is riddled with guilt, they are complicated and complex but when they are together the world can be a little easier to live in. An epic yet not at all traditional love story. I have never been one to really enjoy a romance novel but this book was so much more than your typical romance and I am so glad I decided to read it. This is my first book by this author but this will by far be my last! Stephanie Faegen just got herself a brand new fan and I look forward to reading so much more from her! I have never really been into the romance/new adult genre because I have never liked reading through excessive sex scences just to get to the story but this book did not at all make me feel like I had to skip over anything, it had just the right amount to make things 'steamy' but not to excess and take over the rest of the book and I must give the author props for that because this was actually the first time in my very long reading career that I have been able to read this type of genre and NOT have to skip over unnecessarily long sex scenes. Great plot, twist, characters, this book is just GREAT! This story grabbed me from the first chapter, Stephanie made me feel for the characters and what they were going through the entire time. Sometimes I would shout out loud, others I would come to goodreads just to make comments about what I was feeling. I used words like raw, intense, and incredible to describe this book while I was reading and this book absolutely deserves that kind of praise. I cannot wait to get my hands on another Mephisto book or any book from Stephanie/Trinity Faegen for that matter!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Cold Mourning: A Stonechild and Rouleau Mystery by Brenda Chapman

Cold Mourning is the first book in a new series and I must say what a wonderful way to start off. If the rest of the series is anything close to this first installment then us readers of the mystery/thriller genre are in for a really nice treat. Native American Kala Stonechild moves to Ottawa not in search of a new job but actually in search of something else altogether and she has a past that she just can't seem to shake. Stonechild lands herself a job in a special unit of the Ottawa Police Department headed up by detective Jacques Rouleau. Detective Rouleau is a good man that made some mistakes in his past but he is doing what he can to right some of those wrongs. Both Stonechild and Rouleau have a past they must work through in order to move on and that is one of the good aspects of this novel, to be able to get to know the characters on a deeper level. As for the main mystery, business man Tom Underwood goes missing and Rouleau's team gets assigned to the investigation of his disappearance which later turns into a murder investigation where family, friends,  and business associates alike could all have a possible motive and nothing is as it seems with anyone. With possible motives from practically everyone Tom Underwood was associated with and very little stone cold evidence the case seems almost impossible to crack. I had a few supicions along the way but was never quite able to put my finger on who was responsible. This book definitely kept me guessing up until the very end which of course is what makes a good mystery novel! I can't wait to see what else Brenda Chapman has in store for us and I will absolutely be picking up the next book in what has started out to be an incredible series.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Vanishing Trail: The Taking of Jonathon Bishop by Stephen Kosa

Jake Bishop seemed to have the kind of life that most people dream of.  Married to the woman of his dreams, an extremely successful career, and a new baby, life couldn't get any better. Things are going great for Jake and his family until one fateful day that changes everything, leaving Jake a widower and a single father. After the untimely death of his wife Blanca, Jake does his best to put his life back together and be a good father to his young son Jonathon. Jonathon is everything to Jake so when he is abducted from his elementary school, what semblance of a life Jake had left is shattered and Jake will go to the ends of the earth to try and find his son and have him safely returned home. The author of this book makes the characters relate able and very likable, taking you with them on their emotional journey, the entire time hoping that things work out the very best for them. The story line moves along smoothly and is written at just the right pace that makes it almost impossible to put down until the very end. Vanishing Trail is an amazing book that is above all a mystery/thriller but it also shines on things such as family and friendship, love and the ties that bind us to one another. Well written and beautifully crafted I recommend this book to anyone that has a passion for reading a good story.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Heart of Venom by Jennifer Estep

I have found that I really enjoy reading about the adventures of the assassin known as the Spider and this book is no exception. Jennifer Estep has lived up to my expectations yet again with another explosive addition to the Elemental assassin series. Gin Blanco lost most of her family when she was just a young girl so she is very protective when it comes to her 'adoptive' family. One of the people she cares deeply about gets kidnapped, so Gin being the badass assassin known as the Spider, will stop at nothing short of death to get them back.  One of the great things about this book is that no matter if you have been following Gin throughout the Elemental Assassin series or if this is your very first taste, the author does a wonderful job of catching you up to the present time and getting you familiar with the characters enough to know their background story without being overly repetitive for the ones of us who have read the entire collection. Action packed at every turn, you are sure NOT to get bored with this one!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dead Girls Don't Lie by Jennifer Shaw Wolf

Jaycee's best friend Rachel just died. They haven't spoken to each other in six months and yet Rachel tried to reach out to Jaycee just before her death. Jaycee hasn't told anyone that Rachel asked her for her help, and that just maybe had she not ignored the text, Rachel's fate could have been different. Rachel and Jaycee were just hanging out, Rachel wanted to go to an old abandoned house when they stumbled upon a gruesome site, a boy dead. Did someone see them? Does it have something to do with what happens to Rachel or is it something more? The police are saying that it is gang related but with the cryptic messages that Rachel left behind for her, Jaycee decides to take the investigation into her own hands, hoping to get real justice for her friend. Rachel left warnings not to trust anyone but as Jaycee digs further she may have put herself in real danger. Dead Girls Don't Lie will definitely keep you intrigued as you try to figure out just what happened, who done it, and why? A very well put together y/a mystery. If your a fan of Pretty Little Liars, you are sure to enjoy this book.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hollow Bones by CJ Lyons

Hollow Bones is a hauntingly incredible story. Maria Alvarado is a college student that absolutely loves the study of ancient culture and dreams of one day becoming an archaeologist. Maria's parents are the owners of a tissue procurement lab, and her father wants Maria to go into the family business, in the world of science. Maria is suppose to be on a cruise with friends when she leaves to go on an expedition of ancient Mayan ruins, or so she thinks, until everything goes wrong and nothing is as it seems. FBI agent Caitlyn Teirney is called in to investigate when the Alvarado's do not hear from their daughter. Caitlyn quickly learns that this is not your ordinary kidnapping for ransom, that there may be much more to this than money.  The  Alvarado's may be keeping some very big secrets and Maria could possibly be in much more danger than anyone realizes. This book hooked me from the very first attention grabbing chapter. I stayed up well into the early morning hours unable to put the book down. It has a well built plot and easy to like characters. I don't want to give too much away so I will leave you with this, if you like a good mystery/thriller this is the book for you. Absolutely engaging!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Breathing Series

I just finished reading Out of Breath, the third installment in The Breathing Series. The book was a wonderful way to end such a wonderful story. I have really enjoyed accompanying Emma Thomas on her journey through some of the most trying times in her life. In this last book Emma has to learn how to live with her overwhelming guilt, guilt that she has held on to so tight and for so long that sometimes living at all seems impossible. Emma has to figure out to forgive herself so that she can try to repair one of the most important relationships in her life, her relationship with Evan Matthews, but even before that she has to let herself trust Evan enough to open up to him. Evan loves Emma but she walked out on him two years ago. He wants to forgive her so they can start to rebuild things between them but Emma is still holding on to a secret. A secret that is threatening to destroy her. Will Emma be able to open up and be strong enough to face the things that haunt her? It truly is a great read about trials people go through and how with the help from the ones we love it is possible to find our inner strength and face and overcome almost anything that may come our way. I highly recommend this book and the two that proceed it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Bookshelf

Here is the list of titles I am currently reading.
I have this rather strange habit of reading several books at once. As soon as I finish one I will be back with a full review and to let you know which of these three will come in #1 on my list. Until then... keep reading!

Monday, August 19, 2013

obsessed much??

I was thinking and I have come to the conclusion that I have an obsessive compulsion when it comes to books. There are so many books I come across that I want to read that sometimes I just can't wait to get started. Right now I am currently reading a total of four books! I know, it's a bit much but what can I say.. I can't wait to get the reviews started!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

"To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life." W. Somerset Maugham                                                                                       Hello my name is Ashley and I am here because I want to share the wonderful world of books with you. When I was very young I came to acknowledge that books were my safe place in the midst of chaos. I realized that while I had no control over certain things happening in my life that at least when in the moments while reading I could escape. I was able to be anywhere and feel anything, thus started the deep love affair that I still have today. Books have taken me to some of the best places in my life and my hope is to take you there with me!